As I previously posted, I bought
Beauty and the Beast tickets for my two oldest nieces for their Christmas present and
Harlem Globetrotters tickets for my three nephews. Did I mention that both of these event tickets we bought were for the same day!?
My husband and I started off our day by packing a "Daycation bag" as we coined it, with a change of clothes in it. (A day vacation). We gathered up the three boys, ages 11, 5 and 3 and drove to the Target Center to see some Harlem Globetrotter action.

We had to borrow money from my 11 year old nephew to pay for parking! Ha! We are so used to being able to park in a ramp and pay for it with our debit card on the way out we completely forgot to get cash! Walking through the Target Center parking ramp skyways, we walked past the new
Target Field where the Twins will be playing next season! I knew the field was close to the Target Center, but I didn't realize HOW close!!! I am so excited for the next Twins season (which might have something to do with the Christmas present from my Mom, which was
Twins tickets for five Twins games next season! Thanks Mom!)
Once we sat down, the entertainment of the Harlem Globetrotters started within a few minutes! We had GREAT seats, behind the players benches, center court, row C! Ticket King has such great seats to theater, concerts and sporting events!

I had never seen the Globetrotters before, and what a great time we had! My youngest nephew, Vincent, who is 3, watched the whole thing! He didn't get bored and want to leave, he watched the whole thing. I think a lot of the jokes went over his head, since he didn't laugh too much, but what did make him laugh is when one of the players pretended to fart in another players face. He was belly laughing at that! The other thing he laughed out was when the Globetrotters mascot came out, which was a big blow up version of Globie the mascot, and he was running around dancing to different songs. One song was the one that goes "I get knocked down, but I get up again" and everytime the song says "knocked down" Globie would trip himself and fall over. The two youngest got a kick out of that!

After the game was over, all of the Globetrotters were available for autographs. The boys got an autograph from Bones, and also got their picture taken with them!

After we left the
Target Center, our busy day continued. We dropped off three boys and picked up two girls and changed into our nicer clothes! We went to dinner at TGI Fridays with Olivia and Mayci before going to Beauty and the Beast at the Ordway Center.

Beauty and the Beast was absolutely amazing! It was just like the Disney movie, with the addition of a few songs that were not in the movie. There were slight changes to help it run smooth as a play/musical, but for the most part it was very similar, which I love! I cannot stand when movies/plays differ from the original story (when I love the original story that is!)

My 8 year old niece leaned over to me during Act I and said "Thank you for taking us to this, it's just like the movie!" How cute is that!?

The Beast even rises up into the air at the end, as he transforms into the human version of the Prince! Just amazing! If you have not seen Beauty and the Beast at the Ordway, I highly recommdend buying your Beauty and the Beast tickets right away, if there are any left! It is my favorite play or musical I've ever seen! It's been a few years since I've seen the Broadway version of The Lion King, which was amazing as well, but this might have been better!
Tommy, my husband, and I, ended our long day 12 hours after we left our house. We dropped the girls off at home, showed their Mom's the pictures, and went home and crashed about 1 a.m.! What a wonderful day!
I love buying people tickets to events for their gifts for the memories we will create by going to the event together! Check with
Ticket King to see what events are coming up so you can create those long lasting memories as well!
Orpheum Theatre tickets:
Dream Girls
Young Frankenstein
Mamma Mia!
Wizard of Oz
Avenue Q
Dirty Dancing
Ordway tickets:
August: Osage County
South Pacific