With that said, my favorite musical snippet I was able to catch during the parade was for the musical How to Succeed (in business without really trying). So odd and yet interesting to see Harry Potter act in a musical! Wait….not Harry Potter…Daniel Radcliffe. I personally have not seen him act in anything except the Harry Potter movies. I think he did a great job. Granted the music is lip-synced for the parade, but I believe it is him really singing the music at some point. I think it would be really cool to see Daniel Radcliffe on Broaday in How To Succeed the musical.
I think I have a soft place in my heart for the play/musical How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying because it was one of the spring musicals my high school put on while I was a Sophomore or Junior in high school. There were people I looked up to that were in older grades who were main leads in the musical, as well as really close friends that had bigger parts and parts in the chorus. It’s always more fun, for me, to watch a play or musical when I know someone in the production, which then leads to interest in something like this on Broadway because I have seen the story before and know what is going on when I watch it.
I would for sure see the How To Succeed musical on Broadway. I would want to see it while Daniel Radcliffe is still the lead role. He is only the lead role until January, when Darren Criss from Glee will take over the role. Darren Criss plays Glee character Blaine Anderson, for all you Gleeks out there! I would enjoy seeing How To Succeed with Darren Criss in it as well. He’s not hard to look at, and he has a great voice.
How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying is playing at the New York Hirschfeld Theatre now through at least the beginning of July, 2012. Once again, contact Ticket King online at www.TicketKingOnline.com or call us to order over the phone at 1-800-396-7328. Ticket King is your source for theatre tickets and has How To Succeed tickets for select performances.